Fundraising Appeal 2025
What's happening at Amerdale Hall?
Thanks to a grant from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, work started at the end of January to build an extension and upgrade the Hall’s facilities. We will reopen the Hall as soon as we can.
This exciting project will extend and refurbish the kitchen and bar, create a separate meeting room by installing a glazed screen between the main hall and the bar area, increase storage, and create access to a new paved area for outdoor events.
We still need to raise £30,000 to complete all stages of this work.
How can you help?
In 1976, the people of Littondale raised money to build the Hall by contributing to a Buy-a-Brick scheme.
49 years later, we are relaunching Buy-a-Brick so that you can help us reach our target! Bricks cost £20 each and, as in 1976, the names of donors will be recorded in a register. You can buy as many bricks as you like – one for every member of the family will help us reach our target even faster! Every pound raised will go towards the project.
How can you buy a brick?
- Buy your brick online via the secure payment button below.
- Complete and return the form provided through your letter box and pop it an envelope for one of the Management Team.
- Pay by cash or card at an Amerdale Hall
'On-Tour' event (for details, please see the Upcoming Events page) - If you are a taxpayer, please Gift Aid your donation. The Hall fund will be boosted by £5 for every Brick you buy, without any extra cost to you.
- Contact a member of the Management Team: Clive tel: 01756 770050, Sarah tel: 01756 770282, or Gill tel: 07511 381537, or email
Many thanks for supporting Amerdale Hall.
We look forward to seeing you there very soon!
Best wishes,
Amerdale Hall Management Team
Buy-a-Brick Scheme

Thank you for your interest in the 2025 Amerdale Hall Buy-A-Brick Scheme
If you would like to make a payment by BACS transfer, please find the details below.
Account name: Amerdale Hall
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account no: 00034908
(Please state ‘brick’ & your surname as reference)
Thank you for your support
Amerdale Hall is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (No. 1193881).
p.s. The 1976 Buy-a-Brick Register is a fascinating document and part of Littondale’s history. Please drop by and take a look at it during one of our Coffee and Cake events at Halton Gill Reading Room on the second Saturday of every month (see Upcoming Events).