Dig Deep for the Dale:
Amerdale Hall Fundraising

The next stage of improvements to Amerdale Hall started in late January 2025. We are grateful for a £50,000 grant received from the Shared Prosperity Fund, but we need to raise a further £40,000 to complete all the work planned.
The Board of Trustees of Amerdale Hall is launching a Dig Deep for the Dale appeal at the end of February 2025 to help secure the additional support we need for the extension and much needed modernization of the kitchen. The funds raised will help us to connect the bar to the kitchen in a small extension, install new kitchen fittings, appliances, cupboards and worktops to create a semi-commercial modern kitchen. We will also be renovating the bar area, bringing the fire safety of the building up to standard with two new fire escapes, and insulating the walls to improve environmental performance in the renovated areas.

Buy-a-Brick Scheme

Thank you for your interest in the 2025 Buy-a-Brick Scheme.  You can take part by donating through the fundraising page on our website www.amerdale-hall-littondale.net. This can also be accessed using the QR code above.

Alternatively, you can complete this form and return it with either a cash payment or make payment by bacs;

Account name.  Amerdale Hall

Sort code.          40-52-40

Account no.       00034908


(Please state ‘brick’ & your surname as reference.)


To encourage businesses to support the funding appeal, we will be thanking donors on our fundraising page on the website throughout 2025 and when the hall reopens and we launch our improved community facilities in the summer, and in a register and Sponsors poster printed for the hall opening and fete.
For individuals, we are launching a number of ways to help the Hall directly:
  • The Littondale Draw - "100 club". Supporters can donate to the Hall £20.00?? a month through an annual renewable subscription and monthly draw with great monthly prizes. Click here.
  • Buy a brick. We've borrowed the idea from the 1970s Hall renovation to raise money brick by brick. In 2025, a "brick" costs £20.00 and you can buy as many as you like. Click here or contact Gill, Sarah or Ruth.

  • Pick your favourite piece. Businesses might prefer to pay for a specific item (a fire door or a new bar fridge for example), and that can also be arranged! We’ve listed some items below. To sponsor your favourite piece of Amerdale Hall, please click here.
  • Crowdfunding. Scan this QR code and donate via Crowdfunder, or send us a Bank transfer direct.
  • Easygive. Even if you've donated via one of the channels above, you can help in one more way and it won't cost you a penny. We have registered Amerdale Hall with the Charity fundraiser Easygive. If you are shopping online, just click on Easygive as the gateway to Tescos or Morrisons or eBay or 500 other online shopping websites and the business will donate a percentage of your purchase to the Hall.
Would you like to dig deep for the Dale? 
ontact Clive tel: 01756 770050, Sarah tel: 01756 770282, or Gill tel: 07920 766272, or email info@amerdale-hall-littondale.net
If you have any fundraising ideas we would love to hear from you. Our entertainments committee will be in touch to get you involved. 

Thank you for your support.
The  Amerdale Hall Board of Trustees
CIO 1193889